Die Wilden 7

Every month a race day with 2 to 4 races (1-2h race day).
Cups for outdoor, indoor and overall ranking.

  • Rules and ranking list on www.diewildensieben.de
  • The overall winner will win a T-shirt and a meal with our sponsor.
  • End of season in December.


On November 1, 1999, 16 motorsport enthusiasts founded the Karting Division. In the meantime, the number of members has more than doubled to 40. Once a month we train on kart tracks in Hamburg, Lüneburg or Bispingen.


We also compete in various competitions in Hamburg and the rest of Germany. In the Hamburg company sports championship, we are already eight-time champions.

A highlight of our sport are certainly the annual multi-hour races in Bispingen, which have become a fixed institution. Enthusiastic kart drivers and friendly teams from all over Germany and Toulouse meet here for an event of a special kind. Our record in endurance karting is 99 hours in 2011, and we achieved third place at the 24-hour race in Le Mans.

Everyone is welcome here, whether you are an ambitious kart driver or just a fun driver. Guest drivers are also welcome.


You want a race of a special kind? A race in which occasional drivers as well as professionals? Have you always wanted to take part in a race with up to 50 karts on the track at the same time? Or have you always wondered how funny it would be to race in reverse starting order?


Oder möchtet wissen wie es ist, wenn man mit einem Le-Mans-Start das Rennen beginnt? Wie cool es wäre, ein Rennen auf der XXL-Strecke in Bispingen zu fahren?
Dann seid ihr bei „Go Kart Wars Germany“ genau richtig – der Garant für eine Menge Spaß!

Unsere Rennzeit beträgt 60 Minuten, die meist wie folgt aufgeteilt wird:

  • Outdoorrennen: 2 x 5 Min. Quali und 2 x 25 Min. Rennen
  • Indoorrennen: 2 x 5 Min. Quali und 2 x 25 Min. Rennen
  • XXL Strecke (Outdoor + Outdoorzusatzstrecke + Indoorstrecke ): 15 Min. Quali und 45 Min. Rennen


The Friday group is almost as old as the karting center itself. Here, some of the best drivers on the circuit meet weekly to race together in a sporty and fair manner.


Bisher haben bei uns 1085 Teilnehmer mit insgesamt 12.179 Startteilnahmen 333.858 Runden gefahren. Dies entspricht 272.681 Kilometern, oder auch ca. ¾ der Strecke zwischen der Erde und dem Mond.

Bei uns ist jede(r) interessierte Kartfahrer:in gerne gesehen, egal ob jung oder alt. Wir legen großen Wert auf faires und kontaktloses Verhalten auf der Strecke, sowie einen guten Umgang miteinander neben der Strecke.

Wenn du Interesse hast, bei uns einzusteigen, dann melde dich einfach am besten per WhatsApp unter 0171-3164399. Deine Ansprechpartnerin ist Sabine Ruschmeyer.

Wir freuen uns auf dich!


We are a community of kart drivers who meet 10 times a year to go karting together. We always drive on Sundays and always in Bispingen.


We have a mixture of riders who have been with us for a long time and new riders. Usually the field consists of 15-20 participants, some are at every race, others join when they have time and desire.

We are always looking for new riders and are happy when new people join – no matter if they have racing and karting experience or not.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us (info@sunday-racing.de) or just come to the appointment (table in the restaurant with the sign “Sunday-Racing” or “Bernd Hoppe”).

We will help you and support you to get started!

Contact person: Bernd Hoppe

Click here to visit our Facebook page and our Facebook group.


As a company sports team, we have been running our “Generali Cup” for many years. Would you like to join us as a guest driver?

As a company sports team, we have been running our “Generali Cup” for many years. Would you like to join us as a guest driver?
Please register by mail to “detlef.quade@bsg-generali.de“.


CTR races are 2 hour team races.
The races can be run well in pairs or even in threes.


The CTR racing series originally emerged from company sports and was initially reserved for corporate teams only. Since 2015, however, the series has been open to recreational teams.

You don’t have to be a professional or semi-professional to take part, but a minimum of experience is required, as karting and driver changes do require some concentration.
Therefore, the format is not suitable for total beginners.

Dates are usually the third Wednesday of the month (shifts are possible). The complete series consists of eight races.


The premium karts cannot be driven at any time, but only at booked events. This is one of those events where you can join other drivers to drive the premium karts.


The prerequisite is that you have a premium license. If you don’t have one yet, please contact RS Kartcenter first.


The Eichenhof Kart Club has been an integral part of the events since the opening of the kart track. After 21 years we still have drivers from the first hour among us.


We are a group of hobby riders, some of whom only participate in our events. We are very happy about growth. Guest drivers are therefore always “Welcome”.
We drive 10 races, distributed from April to October with the premium karts on the outdoor track.
Of the 10 races, 7 go into the championship standings.
We always meet in the bistro, here is also paid.


The premium karts cannot be driven at any time, but only at booked events. This is one of those events where you can join other drivers to drive the premium karts.


The prerequisite is that you have a premium license. If you don’t have one yet, please contact RS Kartcenter first.

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Noch keine Idee für eine Weihnachtsfeier?

Wir planen Eure Weihnachtsfeier mit Actionpotenzial auf der Kartbahn, kulinarischer Vielfalt in unserem Restaurant oder ihr schiebt eine ruhige Kugel auf unserer Bowlingbahn. Ob mit 10 oder doch lieber 120 Personen, wir finden das Richtige für euch!